CentOS 6
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Func - Install Func
Install Func (Fedora Unified Network Controller).
This example shows to configure on the environment like follows
     (1) certmaster.srv.world    []    certmaster ( Server )
     (2) minion01.srv.world      []    minion ( Client )
[1] Install func to both Certmaster and Minion.
# install from EPEL

[root@certmaster ~]#
yum --enablerepo=epel -y install func
[2] Start certmaster on Certmaster Server.
[root@certmaster ~]#
/etc/rc.d/init.d/certmaster start

Starting certmaster daemon: [ OK ]

[root@certmaster ~]#
chkconfig certmaster on
[3] Start funcd on Minion Server.
[root@minion01 ~]#
vi /etc/certmaster/minion.conf
# configuration for minions
# Certmaster's hostname or IP Address

certmaster =

certmaster_port = 51235
log_level = DEBUG
cert_dir = /etc/pki/certmaster
[root@minion01 ~]#
/etc/rc.d/init.d/funcd start

Starting func daemon: [ OK ]

[root@minion01 ~]#
chkconfig funcd on
[4] Sign to certificates on Certmaster Server.
# list the host that requests certificates

[root@certmaster ~]#
certmaster-ca --list

[root@certmaster ~]#
certmaster-ca --sign minion01

/var/lib/certmaster/certmaster/csrs/minion01.csr signed - cert located at /var/lib/certmaster/certmaster/certs/minion01.cert
# make sure it works

[root@certmaster ~]#
func "*" list_minions
